Livengood Family Farm Hot Salsa


Livengood Family Farm Hot Salsa


From our friends the Livengoods we offer you Hot Salsa made from their own tomatoes. We were once asked if it’s Mexico hot or Lancaster County hot and the the answer is Lancaster County hot. Hot enough that you know you’re eating something but not so hot you worry that your face will melt off.

Ingredients: Livengood tomatoes, Chemical free onions, and peppers, organic tomato paste, vinegar, Celtic sea salt, chili powder, parsley, organic garlic powder.

Pint jar

We grow food we enthusiastically feed our family. Certified organic for over 15 years beginning in the 1990’s, we continue to practice soil building and sustainable crop production, abstaining from the use of synthetic chemical herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. Our produce is GMO-free.

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